Men’s Coaching
1:1 Relationship, Intimacy & Masculinity
Coaching for Men Ready to Level Up
If You’re Really Honest With Yourself, You Know You’re Capable Of More…
Yeah, you’ve got a job. You’re paying the bills. Life’s ticking over.
But it all feels a bit… meh.
There’s a gnawing dissatisfaction in the back of your mind… “Is life supposed to feel this average?”
You want to feel capable as a man.
You want to feel powerful, confident, in control of your life…
But you don’t…

This is exactly how my life felt 12 years ago…
I woke up one morning and my partner of almost seven years dumped me.
I was working a job I hated. I had no friends. No hobbies. I was totally and completely stuck.
And no matter how hard I tried – no matter how much I pushed and struggled – I felt like I couldn’t get it right.
I had this constant anxiety, wondering if life would forever pass me by.
I felt a deep sense of shame. Like I should have it all figured out by now. And that I was failing at being a man.
So if you’re feeling this way right now, I want you to know – I get it.
The truth is, I don’t feel this way anymore.
I took responsibility for my life and decided to do something about it.
Are you ready for that too?
It’s Time To Get This Shit Sorted FOR GOOD
Hey, I’m Reece. As a men’s empowerment coach, I help you become the most powerful and confident version of yourself.
Whatever that looks like for YOU.

Because it’s not about living up to someone else’s standards, like your parents, or your partners. The last thing you need is someone else telling you what to do.
And you sure as hell don’t need more distractions: more information, blogs, podcasts, or more bullshit ‘how to be a man’ brainwashing. The internet’s already full of that.
I help you get real with yourself and change your life for the better.
And most importantly – I help you figure out EXACTLY how to do that.
It’s not just about ‘achieving your goals’ (although we do plenty of that).
It’s About BECOMING THE MAN You Most Want To Be
For me, that means playing the game of life by MY rules. Everything has to be on my terms, in my way.
That’s why I now run a business that I love, travel the world with my wife, and live life 100% the way I want to.
But it’s different for everybody:
If you’re tired of trying to figure this out on your own, you’re not alone. I’ve got your back.
So, How The Fuck Do We Do That?
By cramming YEARS of transformation into WEEKS.
The Practical Intimacy Masculinity Coaching program is a personalized, one-on-one guidance system that gets you unstuck NOW.
I’ve condensed over 25 years and 10,000+ hours of personal development work into a focused, potent, life-changing men’s coaching program.
Together, we’ll break through all the limiting shit that holds you back. You’ll live in alignment with your highest potential. You’ll unleash the full power of your authentic masculine self.
And best of all, you’ll have fun while we do it.
Living Life On My Own Terms
“Reece helped me discover an unprecedented sense of self-empowerment. I now feel a daily sense of gratitude and belonging. He’s helped me shatter the old script, replace it with one entirely designed by myself, and I’m living life on my own terms.”
Charlie L.
United States
We Create Change By Focusing On 3 Key Areas:
Living Your Purpose

Unlock your passion and live a life of purpose & fulfillment:
Simple, practical tools to get motivated & take action
Empowering mindsets & habits for success
Crush limiting beliefs and negative emotions
Remove fear & anxiety and feel confident NOW
The freedom to live in alignment with your highest potential
Master Your Relationship

Create real connection and a deep sense of intimacy:
Maintain your freedom & independence while also feeling intimate & connected
Create attraction & desire that LASTS
Practical tools to stop fights fast and get reconnected
Relate in a way that helps her RESPECT you
Strategic tools to communicate better, prevent shut down, and not get overwhelmed
Integrate Your Sexuality

Healthy, authentic, and empowered masculine sexual expression:
Feel confident accessing & unleashing your primal masculine power
Increase stamina & last longer in bed
Stop feeling guilty & ashamed of your sexuality
Develop more presence for deeper sexual connection
Specific techniques & practices to pleasure your partner
I've Become A Man I'm Truly Proud To Be
“I now feel super confident about being myself. I can communicate my thoughts and feelings, and I have a greater understanding of how to navigate my relationship. Thank you! You have helped me become a man that I’m truly proud to be.”
Steve Griffin
“Will Men’s Coaching Turn Me Into Some Hyper-Masculine Alpha Male?”
“Or a super-spiritual new-age nice guy?”
“Or is it like therapy and I’ll just sit around talking about my feelings for years?”
Fortunately, it’s none of the above.
As a men’s life coach, I help you create change by digging into the REAL stuff. Using a no-BS method – based on years of real-world experience successfully helping hundreds of men – we’ll identify what’s important to you, what’s holding you back, and develop a clear, practical strategy to get you unstuck and moving forward.

But taking action is only half the story. The real transformation happens on the inside:
To be able to look yourself in the eye and genuinely feel PROUD of the man that you’ve become.
You get a proven structure, high-level support, and uncompromising accountability to get you real, lasting results. Results that will pay you back for life.
Results Like…
A Powerful, Life-Changing Experience
“The biggest change is my INTERNAL world – I have an increased ability to face my fears and to trust myself. I’m prioritizing myself, setting boundaries, and achieving my dreams. Everything Reece said was tailored to me and not part of some cookie-cutter system. This was a powerful, life-changing experience, thanks for doing what you do!”
Charley Francis
United States
Men’s Coaching Is PERFECT For You If:
But Not For You If:
What’s The Next Step?
Get A Free Online Men’s Coaching Call:
In 90 minutes we’ll develop a practical, straight-forward action plan to get you unstuck and moving forward.
Unlike most coaches, I won’t use your precious time to poke at your ‘pain points’ or guilt-trip you into purchasing my services.
Instead, you’ll get actionable insights and strategies you can put into practice now. No strings attached.
If you’d like my help on a longer-term basis we can talk more about my coaching packages. If not, you’re on your way with a rock-solid plan that’s tailored to you.

Step 1
Schedule a time using the calendar below. Choose a time where we can speak privately without distractions.
Step 2
Complete the short application form. It contains a few quick questions to help me prepare for your session and assess whether or not I can help you.
Step 3
Have your complimentary strategy call. I’ll help you get clear on how to move forward. If you’d like my help to implement the plan we put together, we can discuss that as well.
All information submitted is strictly confidential
“Reece has an innate ability to tune into you and draw insights that aren’t readily apparent. He’ll meet you where you’re at and help guide you to wherever you want to go. Reece did this time and time again, no matter what the content of the discussion was.”
Michael Day, Engineer
United States
How Men’s Empowerment & Life Coaching Has Helped Guys Just Like You
I’ve helped a lot of different men overcome a lot of different challenges over the years:
From transforming their relationship and creating more depth and connection… to reigniting the passion and becoming more sexually confident… to ditching the day job and launching successful businesses…
Here are more of the real results real men have achieved through my men’s life coaching program:
I've Realized My Life's Dreams
“I was extremely skeptical about spending money on my personal development. On reflection, it was one of the best investments I ever made. My life has completely transformed – I left a toxic relationship and realized my life’s dreams of having a successful art exhibition, something I was dreaming of for nearly two decades. I couldn’t be happier and I can’t thank you enough Reece.”
Blair Ferguson
My Relationship Is Stronger & More Fun
“I put my wife’s needs first and ended up losing my identity. I couldn’t make decisions without anxiety around how she would perceive them. Now, I’m taking a stand and accessing a more confident part of myself. I understand what I want and am less timid in all areas of the relationship. It’s now stronger and more fun than ever, and I’m growing confidence in every other area of my life too.”
Mike H.
United States
In Control Of My Career
“Despite having many characteristics a “successful man” should have, I felt like a failure. I’d get derailed by self-doubt and anxiety, leading to overwork, overeating, undersleeping, and losing connection with my loved ones. Reece helped me navigate these complex issues with personal, actionable strategies. I now feel more in control of my career and have rediscovered the joy and excitement in life. I would not be where I am without him.”
Noah F, Marketing Director
NY, United States
Grateful For The Man I've Become
“The greatest transformation is that I now have a strong belief in myself. I’ve been able to step through the pain in my life – not run away or hide – and come through stronger than ever. Reece empowered me to go within, to find solutions, power, and become more of a self-assured man. I’m so grateful for the work we did, and for the man I’ve become.”
Darren M.
Skeptical This Would Be Some Hippy Bullshit
“When I approached Reece for coaching I was in a very vulnerable place. I was skeptical this would be some hippy bullshit that didn’t actually help me other than give me some inspirational quotes. But all those fears slipped away on our first call. He understood the challenges I was facing and helped me find the strength inside again. I’m now celebrating every damn day at what I’ve overcome and how good my life is.”
Joe Bloom
United Kingdom
A New Sense Of Confidence & Joy
“The growth I experienced happened so subtly that I didn’t even recognize how much progress I made. It had just become the new norm. Thank you for the guidance, care, and love you provided in our sessions Reece. I have a new sense of confidence and joy about life.”
Will Moore, Software Engineer
Boulder, Colorado, USA
Improved The Intimacy & Brought Us Closer Together
“My relationship with my partner was strong, but I wanted to get our intimacy back. I was concerned that men’s coaching would be too ‘spiritual’ and that I’d struggle greatly with this. But it wasn’t as hard or weird as I thought! Coaching with Reece has definitely improved the intimacy in my relationship and brought us closer together. It’s had flow-on effects through other areas of my life and greatly improved my self-confidence.”
Matt L.
The Skills To Take Control Of My Life
“When I began coaching I was filled with negativity. I was handling emotions and stress poorly, and I wanted to tackle the problems in my relationship and sex life. I am now more aware of myself, my triggers, my programs, and am loving myself more. This is huge, and has allowed me to be more confident. I feel incredibly lucky to have found a guide on this journey of learning the skills to take control of my life.”
L. Gonzalez
United States
It's Been A Life-Changer!
“I’d lost connection with myself, my partner, and my life. I felt fearful of vulnerability, and scared to be intimate and show affection. I was hesitant about coaching because I felt that I would be judged or seen as weak.
But after taking the plunge, I can now say it was more than worth it. It’s been a life-changer! My outlook on life has changed dramatically. I’ve got my priorities in order. I’m living life for me, loving my partner, and feeling more connected with myself than ever before. We’ve taken leaps and bounds in the bedroom too!”
Karl Kemister-Sheppard
Profound & Transformative
“Reece is an incredible coach and MAN. He has a great understanding of himself and uses that insight to support others on the journey. I feel a significant authenticity from Reece – he has a commitment to truth – both mine and his own. The sessions we had were profound, transformative, and have shaped my path for a year. ”
Jeremy Lee Shub, Psychotherapist
I've Discovered My Autonomy
“The work Reece and I did touched on career, relationships, self-care, and much more. His honest, no-BS style has helped me to discover my autonomy, and not just swim along with the crowd. This has been profound, and is the biggest breakthrough for me. So much love for your work Reece!”
Tom Bowers
I Learned How To Trust Myself
“I wasn’t in a great spot and wanted to get out of the feelings of despair and emptiness after a breakup. I was looking for a ‘reset’ with someone who knew what the f*ck he was talking about around connection and heartbreak and finding purpose when I felt that I had lost touch with it.
Coaching with Reece was an enlightening experience and I’m so glad I did this. I learned how to get connected to desire, identify what feels good, trust myself, and to let that be my guide. He was the right coach at the right time.”
Matt J.
United States
I'm Now A Far Better Person
“Reece was a strong pillar for me when things were changing dramatically and I was unable to cope. He was a good sounding board, able to meet me where I was at mentally and emotionally, and equally calling me out on my stuff. He provided insights into subject matters I was too close to and was unable to see another perspective on. I’m now a far better person, living a new life with vigour and wonder.”
Simon Frazer, Engineer
Breakthroughs & Practical Solutions
“Reece helped me deal with relationship issues during the hardest time of my marriage. His non-judgemental listening created a safe space to speak what was on my mind. The most significant breakthroughs were unravelling the rat’s nest of my thoughts. I gained a better understanding of how I can support my wife, and practical steps in getting to solutions.”
W. Siew, Financial Advisor
Stop Struggling Alone & Kick-Start Your Awesome Life NOW
Most men can’t even begin to imagine what they might be capable of.
We’re not taught how to ignore all the bullshit, and tune in to our truth. We’re not taught how to hear our deepest desires, and live a life of freedom and adventure.
We’re not taught how to be wildly powerful and courageous MEN.
But if you want to know… If deep down you KNOW that there’s more you’re capable of, it’s time we talk.
I’ll help you bust through all the dodgy shit that gets in the way of living a radically authentic life.
And I’ll help you embody the ultimate potential of who you came here to be.
If you’re not living life by your own rules, but you want to be, I’m here.
If you’re ready to step up and be the man you know you can be, I’m here.
Hey, I’m Reece Stockhausen – Relationship, Intimacy & Empowerment Coach For Men.
You probably can’t tell by looking at me, but I’ve battled a lot over my 45 years – suicidal depression, substance abuse, severe social anxiety, emotional trauma, sexual shame, epic Nice Guy syndrome… The list could go on.
I’m definitely not enlightened. But I have spent a lot of time figuring my stuff out and learning how to transform my pain. And that’s what I help men do – to stop hiding, get real with themselves, and live an authentic life on their own terms.
My work draws on over 25 years of intensive personal development work, blending my experience, training, and qualifications in leading international Men’s Groups and workshops, Authentic Relating, Tantra & Sacred Sexuality practices, Non-Violent Communication strategies, Trauma-Informed Somatic Embodiment, Evidence-Based Mindfulness, Meditation, Martial Arts, NLP & Timeline Therapy, and a variety of Emotional and Energetic Healing Modalities.
Currently in Portugal, we live out of two suitcases, travelling the world in search of exotic birds and the perfect taco.
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